Location: Southbury, Ct, United States

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Is this the D-word?

With the market down 11 of the last 12 days, a breaking of the november 21st lows, there seems to be no hope in sight. Unfortunately my optimism on the market has been destroyed by Obama's policies that are net destroyers of capital rather than a creator of capital. Many Democrats blame the income inequality on taxes. How is this even plausible. The government doesn't pay salaries, employers do. It is scary to think that the evidence shows definitively that the net lowering of taxes in general is a spur to economic growth, while socialist policies have never worked in the real world. This market is as oversold as anytime since I have managed money, rivaling the great depression. The fact that the market can not rally at all is a result of the immense loss of capital that has happened over the past 12 months. The system would have a very difficult time recovering as is but now this increased taxation on capital will prolong the recession significantly. Although there will be trading rallies, probably sooner than later, the path is unquestionably down. The last few day have been reminicent of the summer of 2002 when all sectors came under pressure, even those that are "defensive." This was the sign of the end of the bear in 2002, hopefully history repeats. As i post this the market is up 1% with Geitner in his Q&A. Expectations are so low that even he can't take the market down so far today.

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